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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you offer family discounts?

A: Yes, we do!  Please contact the office for further details.


Q: Are parents allowed to observe class?

A: Not unless special circumastances arise and parents will be invited by the instructor to come into class.  All instructors are CPR/First Aid Certified!  We treat your children as our own! We will be adding video camera's and a monitor in the front waiting area so parents may observe if they wish at some point during the first session! 


Q: May I speak with an instructor after my childs class?

A:  Our instructors are pretty busy during class hours.  If you have a question that the office can not answer please set up an appointment to speak with your childs instructor at another time.  Please DO NOT enter the classroom at the beginning or end of your childs class as this can disrupt class time and other students training hours.  


Q:I'm unsure of what class level I should enroll my child in. What do I do?

A: Contact the office!  If they are not placed correctly, we will make sure they get moved the first week of class! All students will be evaluated the first week of class to make sure they are in the correct level.  


Q: Do you hold a dance recital at the end of the year?

A: No.  Our dance classes are technique based, and though students may showcase skills at our "End of Session Showcase", a yearly recital is not held.  Musical Theatre,Acting, A Cappella, and creative and intro level classes will have a small showcase at the end of each semester for parents  Either during your childs class time or at an outside venue.  Our Spring Semester will end with a "Musical Review" that will incorporate Singing, Dancing, Acting, and maybe some instruments!  You must be enrolled in group classes prior to the spring session to be eligible for the "Musical Review".  Those not enrolled are invited to help out with crew!  


Q: Do you have drop in classes?

A: All of our dance classes Level I and up are available for drop-in.  Acting, Musical Theatre and Music classes are by session only.


Q: What happens if I have to miss a class?

A: If a conflict arises, you are able to make up a class by dropping into a similar class (ie Musical Theatre III could drop into Musical Theatre II or Acting II) before the session is over.


Q: What do I wear to class?

A: Please wear clothing that you are comfortable moving in to all classes.  Dance classes have specific attire and dance shoes. If you are not wearing proper attire you may be asked to observe class.  Please contact the office for more information on attire. 


Q: What about Costumes?

A: Since we will not be having an annual "recital" there are no costume fees or picture fees.  Depending on the showcase and pieces being performed you may be asked to provide a "homegrown" costume.  Especially for our Spring Session "Musical Review"! Students on our Competition team or in SpaCapella may be asked to purchase costumes and specific Starlight Swag for performances!  


Q: Do you have performance opportunities?

A: Yes!  We are frequently asked to sing at various events in the area and even near NYC!  These performers are usually members of our a cappella group (auditioned in the spring) and our competition team (auditions in the fall).


Q: Do private lessons fall into the Unlimited Package?

A: No.  Private lessons are priced separately from group classes, and are in addition to your unlimited package.


Q: Do you offer payment plans?

A: In most cases, yes.  Please contact the office for more information.


Q: What happens if my child has an hour to fill between classes?

A: Your child (if age 10 or older) is welcome to wait for their next class in our Homework Zone, or you may collect your child and bring them back to their later class.


Q: Can I eat in the homework Zone?

A: Yes, you may eat dinner, snack, lunch etc.  Please clean up after yourself and throw out left over items.  Please and Thank you! 


Q: Are you open on Halloween?

A: No! You may wear a costume to your class the week prior to Halloween in creative and intro level classes!  Level's I, II, and III please check with instructor prior to costume week!   


Q: What happens during inclement weather?

A: If Stafford or Southern Regional schools are closed, odd's are we will most likely be closed as well.  Information regarding closings will be posted on all of our social media sites and an email will be sent!  



This is where you will see all the details for your child. Be sure to check that their age is correct because Dance Studio-Pro will only show the appropriate classes for your child based on age. This is also where you can add a sibling. If you click on 'Register for Classes' you will be taken back to the Register for Classes button (see above).

This is the button you will press to select your child’s classes for the season. If classes aren't showing up for your child, you might not have your child's age entered correctly.

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